Rev. Dr. Franklin D. Watkins is the Senior Pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church in Harrisburg, North Carolina. He is committed to preaching and teaching the Word of God and he is a fervent believer in prayer.
Rev. Watkins believes in ministering to the total person: mind, body, and soul. He believes in reaching out and serving the community. He is firmly committed to seeking the Lord and being led by the Spirit of God in every aspect of his life. His focus is on studying the Word of God and seeking the will of God through prayer. He strives to create a church environment where love abounds.
The church continues to grow spiritually and physically under the leadership of Rev. Watkins. A multitude of ministries have been established under his leadership. Also, he has established annual Leadership Development Training and Christian Education seminars.
We especially praise God for his leadership during the past two years as we dealt with the challenges of COVID-19. We operated “As A Church Without Walls” and we implemented many virtual bible studies, worship services, and prayer sessions using social media. Most of these virtual services will continue as we seek to develop disciples for Jesus all over the world.
Rev. Watkins was ordained as a Gospel Minister in the Mount Peace Association, Charlotte, NC in 1999. He was called as Pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church in March 2005 and has served for 17 years.
Rev. Watkins educational achievements are:
Doctor of Ministry, Hood Theological Seminary, 2014, Salisbury, NC
Master of Divinity Degree, Hood Theological Seminary, Salisbury, NC
Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics, Tennessee State University
Rev. Watkins was employed with Procter & Gamble for 24 years and worked as an Information Technology Manager. After leaving Procter & Gamble, Rev. Watkins continued his career with Bonded Logistics, Inc. where he worked as Customer Service and Information Technology Manager. He retired from Bonded Logistics, Inc. to work full time as Senior Pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church in 2010.
Rev. Watkins is committed and involved in community service. He is a member of the United Missionary Baptist Association Executive Board. He has previously served as President of the Harrisburg Crisis Assistance Ministry Board of Directors. He is currently a member of the Harrisburg Racial Equity Team and leader of the Harrisburg Racial Equity Law Enforcement Sub Team.
Rev. Watkins is married to Mrs. Karen Watkins, and they are the parents of a son, Duane (Oshana) and a daughter Michelle (Adrian). They are also the proud grandparents of Vivienne and Ace.
Most importantly, Rev. Watkins is a committed servant of God.
His spiritual goal is Ephesians 4:12-13, “To equip God's people to do God's work and build up the church, the body of Christ, until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ that we will be mature and fully grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ.”