Ministry Leaders: Everett Smith, Hilton Ore & Alvin Holmes
Meeting Times: February-December on the 4th Saturdays at 12 PM
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this ministry is to develop a mentoring and apprenticeship program that will provide spiritual and constructive support to young males so they can have a better chance in leading a productive and successful life. The mentoring aspect of this ministry is to develop spiritual, healthy, and supportive relationships with these young males. The apprentice aspect of this ministry is to place special emphasis on assisting the young males in being productive and successful citizens of the society.
Ministry Objectives
The objective of this ministry is to help our young males be successful through spiritual mentoring and practical apprenticeship activities. This objective will be met by:
1. Reaching out and restoring a relationship between the church and our young males (apprentices).
2. Preparing men to be effective mentors who will give spiritual and practical support to these apprentices.
3. Assigning the apprentice to a mentor.
4. Establishing ongoing meetings to encourage the apprentices in achieving their goals.
a. Apprentice will develop written goals and action plans. Status updates will be provided frequently.
b. Resources and training will be identified to help the apprentices.
c. Factors of success will be discussed.
d. Spiritual growth and development will be discussed.
e. Fun activities will be planned.